Gekkeikan, Gekkeikan Daiginjyo

Regular price $63.00

A great example of daiginjo sake, it has an amazingly fruity aroma and refreshing finish. Made by one of Japan’s oldest breweries, we recommend this sake for anyone interested in discovering the different styles and flavour profiles of Japanese sake.

Type: Sake 
Sake Scale: +4 
Country of Origin: Japan 
Region: Fushimi 
Alcohol by vol: 15% 
Volume: 720ml 

About The Brewery

When Haruhiko Okura, the 14th head of the Okura family and the current President of Gekkeikan, was appointed to his position in 1997 he established the core principles to be “Quality, Creativity, Humanity.” This was a clear statement outlining the values that the company had always tacitly understood to be part of their work over successive generations: quality above all, innovation and challenges, and respecting humanity.